Healthy Eating: I’m Adding Fruits and Vegetables to My Diet

Tito Oye avatar

by Tito Oye |

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fruits and vegetables

For someone who stresses the importance of health, my diet is poor. Thankfully, I have friends who have noticed the harsh reality of my eating habits and haven’t shied away from informing me. It’s safe to say I have seen the error of my ways.

I hate vegetables, but that’s not a good enough reason to avoid them, especially at my age. I like fruits a lot but rarely buy them, as they tend to expire before I get the chance to eat them. It feels like a waste of money.

Eating fruits and vegetables has many health benefits. For example, pomegranates increase blood flow, and fruits and vegetables such as bananas and kale boost energy levels. These benefits are especially advantageous for people with sickle cell anemia. Increased blood flow reduces the chance of a sickle cell crisis, while more energy helps us to combat fatigue.

I decided that smoothies would be the easiest way to incorporate fruits and vegetables into my diet. I can mask the taste of vegetables I dislike with fruits I enjoy. To eliminate as much sugar as possible, I decided to use unsweetened almond milk instead of juice. Almond milk is high in vitamin D, which regulates the body’s levels of calcium and phosphate. I must increase my intake of vitamin D during colder months to combat the lack of sunlight, which is another source of vitamin D.

I have no problem starting habits, but I struggle with consistency, so I shopped in bulk. I bought all the fruit and vegetables I wanted to incorporate, prepped the smoothies, and prepackaged them in freezer bags that I can blend each morning. I also bought chia seeds for extra fiber and protein.

columnist pic

Prepackaged smoothies. (Photo by Tito Oye)

Here are some of the recipes I used:

I look forward to the differences in my health!

Do you have any healthy eating tips? Please share in the comments below.


Note: Sickle Cell Anemia News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Sickle Cell Anemia News or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to sickle cell anemia.


Abayomi avatar


Hey, Titi thanks for sharing this. I have always struggled with healthy eating too. I really want to include lots of fruits and vegetables into my diet but it just never happen but what I try to do now is eat a fruit a day. I hope that improves my healthy eating habit

saad shah avatar

saad shah

we all should add fruits and veggies in our diet

lifebit watch avatar

lifebit watch

thats great idea to add veggies and fruits in our diet. in this time of COVID-19 it is best for our immunity

roblox music codes avatar

roblox music codes

I would say this is the best recipe to boost our immune system especially when everyone needs energy these days

Gorgeous Eve avatar

Gorgeous Eve

I've discovered, in the three years of managing my daughter, that eating healthy, fruits and veggies particularly is of utmost importance to warriors. In fact, I think that it's importance is even under emphasised. I now use my daughter's looks to know when I'm feeding her right and when I'm not. When I feed her sufficient fruits and veggies, she's all glowing. When i dont, she looks faded and worn out. I now know that's exactly what fruits and veggies do inside her body too. So I don't relent in feeding her sufficient fruits and veggies cos I love seeing her glow and everyone admiring her. Fruit and veggies are life savers.

Suzie avatar


Thanks for sharing such good ideas. Am gonna incorporate fruits and veggies in my daughter's diet to improve her health. She is very slim

Frank kutesa avatar

Frank kutesa

Can Stept plant cure scd?

Sapphire avatar


Can't thank you enough for this... Ill commence immediately with the smoothies... and mask them just as you have done. I also discovered cloves is great, Piper Guineense. Added to juice or tea helps as well.. this however is brilliant and encouraging. thanks again and keep up the great work.

adenuga adunoluwa avatar

adenuga adunoluwa

hello ma'am, I live in Nigeria, Ogun State to be precise. there aren't much fruits and veggies to be seen here especially pomegrate and kiwi. please what are the fruit and vegetable i can use to keep myself glowing. please ma, i mean ones that are generally found in all countries

Greg avatar


Thanks for sharing, I found your article looking for information to share with a friend. I’ve experienced many health benefits from increasing my fruit and vegetable eating habits. I juice, as well as grow food year round with an aeroponic growing system. Several years ago I added concentrated plant powders and this was a game changer for me. I was finally consistent and could feel the difference. I share more at

Bona fresco avatar

Bona fresco

Fruits are a delightful and nutritious part of our diet, each offering unique flavors and health benefits. Apples, for instance, are incredibly versatile, enjoyed raw, baked into pies, or transformed into cider. With numerous varieties such as Gala, Fuji, and Granny Smith, there's an apple to suit every taste.


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